French Oaks

French Oaks have taken over the hardwood industry in 2017 and they are here to stay.

Forget the exotic woods and Brazilian Cherry of the past. These French Oaks have the just right touch of traditional class and rustic vibe to look beautiful in any home in the Capital Region.

Two biggest differences between these French Oaks and a traditional Red Oak hardwood flooring is (A) Their density is slightly harder (B) Their undertone is a white rather than a pink.

Whether you choose a finish is polyurethane or oil, these brands adhere to the less shine the better. Enabling busy homeowners to not have to worry as much about seeing scratches and imperfections that happen over time.

Here are a few of our favorites we display in the store that all run installed under $8/sq ft

Hallmark Novella Collection

Anderson Noble Hall

Bella Cera Casa Mia


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